A week ago, I had a fever. Bad fever. Missed someone badly till I sick. and I never thought will felt like that way. Im so thankful, now I om okay already. I took it as a test from Allah.
Actually I am not kind of person who immediately will see a doctor if get flu. And I'm anti-medicine. For me, it's a drug!! And I don't wanna drag any drug into my body..haha, but at last, I went to see the doctor, coz I was in very very bad condition, not comfortable at all!I felt very cold, at the same time I'm sweating a lot. So I HAVE TO take the medicine no matter what. Okay... so I give a try. You know what, I vomited out back after I telan the antibiotic pill. Weeekkkkkkkk!! Don't lke the taste, hate the smell! Well, thats the real me. :)
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Here the shots by Mek Sya.
Mek...THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR GOOD CARE! unforgettable :)
uncle, what are you both looking for..??huh..
mau bergambar sekali ka..
I sempat posed lg..hehe
otw to Klinik Kesihatan Sultanah Bahiyah
Nurse check me.
Oh...I felt like being punished by that nurse, by wearing the mask. waaa! coz I had bad caught that time. Feel so sorry for myself. :'( . It was really pain!
reading notes. tomorrow got test! Oh God...ini semua ujian...I accept it with my open heart..
I'd like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to these people too .They took care of me when I get sick and pampered me like a child.hehe. I love you all so much!:
'Aisyah aka Mek Sya.
Thanks Mek, mu banyak tolong aku.
Hantar aku g klinik..
Nurul Husna aka Adek.
Adek, terima kasih belikan makan sbb aku tak larat nak bangun.
And thanks for your kindness pampered me.hehe.

Nazratul Akma aka Akma or i used to call her Kema.hehe
Kema thnks , selimut kan aku time aku ng ttow tak sedarkan diri manggigil kesejukan..
Nur Fakhira aka Faa.
She like a mother to me, hehe. Why? bcoz she treat me like her daughter lo.
Thnks mummy Faa for the bubur halia..
haha, licin tau aku makan! p/s : To Adek and Kema, sorry kidnap pic korang letak dlm blog aku. haha. :P
So, if you sick, do the best for yourself ok. Some will, some won't, but there are people who really do care about you. Speak to myself to.. -peace-
sadih tollll....:(
ReplyDeleteape yg sedih nye yunk?
ReplyDeletealolo~ ciannyeee....